Mahnoor Arshad

Telemedicine is rapidly evolving landscape of technological innovation and a growing emphasis on healthcare accessibility, Pakistan is witnessing a transformative shift thanks to innovative telemedicine solutions. Telemedicine, the remote delivery of healthcare services through digital means, is addressing critical healthcare challenges in a nation where quality healthcare remains a significant hurdle. This innovative approach is not only fostering healthcare progress in Pakistan but also significantly improving access to essential services.

Memoona Israr

The gender pay gap in Pakistan undermines economic progress. It hampers women’s earnings, stifles productivity, and perpetuates poverty. This, coupled with lower workforce participation, hinders overall economic growth.
To rectify this, policies promoting workplace gender equality are crucial. Implementing equal pay for equal work, providing targeted education and skills training for women, and addressing discriminatory attitudes are key steps.
Education is pivotal in bridging the gap. It empowers women with skills needed for higher-paying careers and challenges societal norms.
Empowering women through pay equity not only transforms individual lives but also fosters a more prosperous future for Pakistan. By enforcing policies ensuring fair pay, strengthening anti-discrimination laws, and promoting inclusive corporate cultures, the nation can pave the way for a more equitable society.