Editorial Team

South Korean in semiconductor industry lawmaker Yang Hyang-ja has voiced growing concerns about the United States’ involvement in the global semiconductor industry. She warns that restricting China’s access to advanced chips could strain relations with Asian allies and disrupt supply chains. Yang emphasizes the need for the US to reconsider sanctions, as pushing China to advance technologically may pose challenges for South Korea. Despite US tech war measures not yet affecting South Korea’s semiconductor industry, Yang acknowledges potential repercussions. She also highlights state-backed Chinese competitors as a long-term threat and stresses the importance of nurturing South Korea’s technological talent pool. Yang played a key role in the K-Chips Act, offering tax breaks for South Korean chip production, aiming to secure the country’s semiconductor industry’s future.

Editorial Team

Mental health is an essential component of overall well-being, but unfortunately, it’s a topic often overlooked and stigmatized in Pakistan. According to a study, around 34% of Pakistan’s population has been diagnosed with some form of mental health disorder (Majorly depression and anxiety). Still, many people fear seeking help because of fear of being judged or ostracized. That’s why breaking the silence and discussing mental health openly is crucial to reducing the stigma surrounding it.

Editorial Team

Art is more than just an activity for children to pass the time. It is a powerful tool for cultivating mindfulness, creativity, and self-expression. By incorporating mindful practices into art-making, children can tap into their inner selves and discover their unique creative potential. Through these experiences, they can become more confident, resilient, and empowered individuals.Join the movement that recognizes the power of Creative Art in shaping a brighter future for children.

Editorial Team

Innovation and technology have always been driving forces behind societal progress, shaping the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us. With the world facing complex challenges like climate change and healthcare disparities, these tools are increasingly being used to improve the situation.

Editorial Team

The excursion towards gender equity through lawful changes in Pakistan is a diverse undertaking that holds commitment and potential. As the country wrestles with its extraordinary mix of customs and progress, the gradual changes in regulation and strategies connote a positive shift.
By the by, the way forward is filled with difficulties, requiring supported obligation to address profoundly dug-in accepted practices, prejudicial practices, and foundational obstructions. The development of legitimate systems for gender correspondence mirrors the general public’s eagerness to develop and embrace inclusivity. With backing, execution, and training, these legitimate changes can prepare for a more even-handed future, where the full range of human potential realises no gender limits.

Editorial Team

mental health is very crucial aspect of an individual’s life which plays an important role in shaping the individual’s personality and life itself.  There is a crucial need of addressing mental health issues openly in Pakistan so that the individuals suffering from it may receive proper care and help.Such people feel trapped within themselves when the lack of proper help deprives them, especially in our country where many misconceptions are present about the term itself. Therefore, it is necessary to guide our people about it and contribute to changing their mindsets.

Stress has become an almost ubiquitous part of our daily lives. It is crucial to recognize that stress not only affects our mental well-being but also has a profound impact on our physical health. Prolonged exposure to stress can lead to various health issues, including cardiovascular problems, weakened immune function, and digestive disorders. As such, incorporating effective strategies for stress management and well-being is not just a luxury but a necessity for maintaining a healthy and balanced life.